Delhi RERA To Issue New Set Of Guidelines

Delhi RERA To Issue New Set Of Guidelines

Delhi real estate regulatory authority (Delhi RERA) will issue new set of guidelines for builders and other stakeholders, informed Anand Kumar, chairman of the authority.

Kumar stated that there are several builders who are marketing and advertising real estate projects on super built-up area instead of carpet area. “Under the new guidelines, we will enforce that all projects’ advertisement and marketing mention carpet area. Builders must inform buyers about the actual size of property they are getting,” he said.

RERA chairman said that he is favours extending of the exemption from GRAP measures to all registered projects and they can give a representation to CAQM for this. “We do not give extensions if the GRAP measures have been applied for less than three days, but if they are more than that, we are willing to extend extensions to projects provided all necessary papers have been submitted. However, we will take strict measures against builders who are yet to register projects with the authority. The authority is willing to listen to grievances of the real estate fraternity and pass the suggestions to the central government for the betterment of the industry.”


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