Moisture or Dampness in a property is a Silent Killer – It is as destructive to a property, as cancer is to human body.
It is the single most important agent of building deterioration.
Causes severe damage to External & Internal surface, and also Electrical & Mechanical problems.

It creates Sick Building Syndrome – serious human health hazard, being the source of sleeping diseases like respiratory problems, allergies, asthma & skin diseases.

Almost all properties in India whether new or old get damaged due to Moisture / Damp / Seepage / Leakage. If the exact source of damp / seepage is not rectified, the problem becomes cancerous, it always comes back.

For the first time in India, we have introduced your Property’s Specialist Doctor
We are the first and best company in India which can find the exact source of a damp or a concealed seepage or leakage through non-destructive methods.

We use our 3 Ts
- Latest Tools
- Technology
- Expert & Trained Team
To do the 3 Ds
- Detect the Issue
- Describe the Source
- Direct the Solution
Resulting in 3 Ls
- Least Cost
- Least Destructive
- Long term Solutions

- 1 Bed-room apartment to a 20 Bed-room palace type Bungalow
- to the projects of leading Real Estate Developers
- to Offices, Hospitals, Malls, Warehouses, Factories
- to 5 star Hotels
- to Properties of India’s top Businessmen & Celebrities.
We have inspected it all…….
Causes of Damp & Seepage

Common Symptoms
- Visual Leak
- Popping/ Peeling of Paint
- Peeling of Wallpaper
- Termite Presence
- Woodwork Deterioration
- Darker Patch in Wall/ Ceiling
- Mold Growth
- Rust
- Collapsed False Ceiling


Woodwork Deterioration

Dark Patches in Walls

Collapsed False Ceiling
We present a One Stop Solution – Moisture Intrusion Inspections through Thermal Imaging Technology
- Moisture mapping using Thermal Imaging Technology.
- Inspection of the related Plumbing Systems / Shafts / Peripheral Areas.
- Identifying the reason & exact source of Moisture / Damp / Seepage / Leakage.
- Solution recommendations.