- One of the biggest investments one makes in one’s life time.
- A large part of our savings goes into buying our dream homes, furnishing it and then paying stamp duty / brokerage, etc.
- We want our dream home to be safe – sound – secured.
- We have the right to know “How Healthy & Safe our Homes are”.

Conducted detailed survey among 200 residents

Report highlighted that almost every household faced a number of problems, some of which are typical to a large proportion of residents surveyed.
- Dampness, Water Seepage / Leakage / Moisture
- Cracks / Patches / Peeling / Evenness / Finishing
- Termites
- Inferior / substandard materials
- Flooring inferior causing cracks / black spots
- Mismatched/ hollow/ broken/ cracked tiles.
- Improper joint fillings / Gaps / Extra Cuts / Improper Slope
- Issues in Doors & Windows
- Under rated wire gauge
- Unbalanced distribution at phases
- Improper installation of switch / socket boards
- Safety Issues
- Functionality Issues
- No proper drainage for the outflow of water
- Poor internal installations of units e.g, water, light, gas, power, sewerage, telephone, air-conditioners, sanitary installations, doors, windows, lamps, and other accessories
We need to get a Complete Health & Safety Check-up of our dream homes just the way we get a complete check-up of our body