- The Tamil Nadu Government, Housing & Urban Development Department, dated 22.06.2017 has approved the Tamil Nadu Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Rules, 2017 to carry out the provisions of Real Estate (Regulation & Development) Act, 2016.
- Registration of all Real Estate projects and Real Estate agents is made mandatory with TNRERA. No sale in a real estate project can be made without registration of the project with TNRERA.
- These Rules will apply to all ongoing projects and future projects. Similarly, property dealers, brokers, middlemen by whatever name called has to register with TNRERA.
- Failure to register with TNRERA is an offence and punishable with fine or imprisonment or both.
- The office of the TNRERA is functioning in Chennai. The official website of the Authority is: www.tnrera.in
The current Status of projects & Realtors under TNRERA is as follows:
- No of Projects registered under TN-RERA – 954
- No of Real Estate Agents registered under TN-RERA – 512