1. Make it Clean & Clutter-free
2. Keep it Dry and Moisture-free
3. Keep Pests away from Home
4. Ensure proper Ventilation
5. Take care of Air quality
6. Toxic-free & Safe Living
7. Opt for a Home Inspection
Most of us spend at least half of our lives in our homes without realizing there is a connection between our home and health.
A happy and healthy environment is essential for a healthy lifestyle. When it comes to improving our health, we tend to focus on nutrition and exercise, and we spend less time focusing on how our environment can affect our body. Our home is where we spend a lot of our time, so it is important that we figure out ways to make it healthy.
In order to create a healthy environment, we should start from our homes individually. Everyone’s living space is different, and there are some aspects you cannot control, but you can follow some tips that can help to improve the health of your home.

1. Make it Clean & Clutter-free
Having clutter and uncleanliness has proven to not only make your home dirty, but it can also affect your health. Excessive clutter can aggravate or worsen symptoms associated with various respiratory diseases (eg: asthma). Cluttered home invites rodents, cockroaches, insects and other pests. Pests in the home can cause respiratory illnesses and other health problems. Hence, Cleaning and de-cluttering your home enhances happy & healthy living.

2. Keep it Dry and Moisture-free
Moisture in homes can cause a variety of issues. From problems with personal health to damaging the home itself, water inside elements of building is an issue. Common human health hazards associated with dampness in homes include Upper respiratory issues, Asthma, Cough, Wheeze, Allergies, Skin Diseases, Migraine – Headaches & Depression. Structural integrity of your home gets weakened due to moisture intrusion. It is important that you stop leaks, control seepage, and maintain balanced humidity inside your house.

3. Keep Pests away from Home
Pests come to your home for 3 main reasons – food, water, and warmth. Seal cracks and openings (gap around window, door frame and pipes) throughout the home; keep kitchen and other areas of home clean, store food properly.

4. Ensure proper Ventilation
Home ventilation is an important factor related to the occupants’ health. Poor Ventilation increase the risk of airborne diseases, causes allergies, nausea and can also lead to serious health issues like eczema, nervous system damage, and cancer. Poor ventilation has been associated with “sick” homes for a long time, mainly referring to the damage caused by mould growth and other related problems to the building components. Therefore, ventilation is very important for your home.
5. Take care of Air quality
Common household cleaning products contain chemicals like alcohol, ammonia, chlorine and other solvents that must not be touched or inhaled. These have negative effects on our health that can cause irritable eyes, sore throats, and even headaches. These cleaning products release dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that not only give you common health issues but also aggravate allergies, asthma, and chronic respiratory issues.
Although we depend much on these cleaning products, however, we must use organic products as a safe option to go by. Using organic cleaners around the house will help the air quality immensely. The more we use less toxic products to clean our homes and indoors, the better it is for our health.

6. Toxic-free & Safe living
Store pesticides and other chemicals like leftover paint & oil, disinfectants (if you are having) in locked cabinets out of children’s reach. Keep all chemicals in their original, labelled containers – do not put them into another bottle or container. It is always important to keep it out of reach of children and pets1.

7. Opt for a Home Inspection
Home inspection – Health & Safety Check-up ensures everything in the house is functioning properly; it identifies hidden issues & areas that need repair. Take care of minor repairs and issues at the right time before they become a large problem.
Cracks, seepage, clogged drains and blockage in pipes are some of the common household problems that we face in our houses with time. Inspection is a significant way to become aware of the areas of the house that can act as a hazard or create problems in the future and also suggest solutions for specific issues. Home inspection is an essential part that ensures a healthy home for your family.
Home inspection is an important part not only during the purchase of a property but also with time when your home starts ageing. Maintenance of a home is as significant as maintaining other essential assets in order to attain a healthy home.
Home inspection is a health and safety check-up of home. Watch the video to understand it better.
Final words
Home is one of the most valuable investment of our life where we spend our maximum time. So your home is a key asset for you. Everyone needs a healthy home. Making your home healthier and safer in preparation for your living has to be a great responsibility. A healthy home can help you & your family have a healthy body. We hope that these tips will make your home a healthy one!
Reference links used:
1. https://sanitizeyourplace.in/basics-of-handling-cleaner-sanitizer-disinfectant/